San Antonio Offshore Oil Rig Injury Lawyer

Working on an offshore oil rig can be lucrative, but the work is difficult and dangerous. If you are seriously injured, appropriate medical help is miles away onshore, and a delay in treatment could have serious consequences.

The San Antonio offshore oil rig accident lawyers at Ramji Law Group can help you when you suffer a serious injury at work. With more than 125 years of combined experience representing injured workers in the maritime industries, our personal injury attorneys have the knowledge and skills to obtain a favorable result.

Common Injuries Among Workers on Offshore Platforms

Oil drilling platforms are busy places where workers face intense pressure to meet deadlines and quotas. Workers often remain on the platform, working long hours for days or weeks at a time. Workers on offshore rigs are prone to fatigue, boredom, and distraction, all of which can increase the possibility of accidents.

Weather and sea conditions can be rough, the operations are dependent on heavy equipment, and the nature of oil extraction poses a risk of fires or explosions. Our attorneys represent San Antonio oil rig workers who have suffered serious injuries such as:

  • Debilitating soft tissue injuries
  • Fractures
  • Burns
  • Amputations
  • Crushing injuries
  • Facial injuries causing blindness
  • Moderate or severe traumatic brain injury
  • Spinal cord injury

Offshore oil rig accidents can be fatal. In that case, our firm can represent family members pursuing compensation for their loved one’s death.

An injury can leave a worker unable to do their job. Meanwhile, their medical bills will continue to pile up. A worker who suffered injuries related to offshore oil extraction is eligible for medical care and a partial wage under the Outer Continental Shelf Land Act (OCSLA), but sometimes, accessing these benefits can be challenging.

Filing an OCSLA Claim

Employees on offshore oil rigs typically can’t sue their employers when they get hurt. However, if the rig is located at least three miles offshore, they can file a claim under the Outer Continental Shelf Land Act (OCSLA).

You do not need to prove your employer did anything wrong to get benefits under the OCSLA. You only need to demonstrate that your injury is related to your work. The OCSLA entitles you to free medical care, a partial wage while you cannot work, and disability benefits if your injury has a permanent impact on your functioning.

Accessing OCSLA benefits can be complicated, and missing a deadline or omitting necessary information can defeat your claim. Contact a San Antonio lawyer soon after an offshore oil rig injury and they can ensure your claim is complete and filed promptly.

Third-Party Actions Are Possible

When someone other than your employer was responsible for the incident that caused your injury, you could sue them in civil court. The law of the state closest to the rig governs the time limit for bringing these claims. If the rig is closest to Texas, Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code § 16.003 requires you to bring a lawsuit within two years of your injury.

When you bring an injury lawsuit against a third party, you must prove they were negligent, meaning they did not use reasonable care. When you can prove your case, the negligent party is liable for the lost wages your OCSLA benefits did not cover, incidental expenses, plus compensation for your pain and suffering.

Offshore oil rig accidents often result from a combination of mistakes and mishaps, and multiple parties might have liability. San Antonio attorneys from Ramji Law Group will review all available evidence and hire engineers and other experts as necessary to identify everyone who might have played a role in the oil rig accident that injured you and hold them accountable.

Pursue Compensation for an Oil Rig Injury with a San Antonio Attorney

Suffering an injury while working on an offshore platform can disrupt your life in numerous ways. It will be important for you to access all the benefits and sources of compensation available to you, but the process can be time-consuming and complicated.

Reach out to Ramji Law Group for help. Our San Antonio offshore oil rig injury lawyers have a wealth of knowledge and experience helping injured maritime workers. They are available to take your call at 210-529-3476, so get started today.

100% Free Evaluation

We’re here to help. Schedule a free evaluation with an experienced personal injury lawyer in Houston, TX today by filling out the form below, or call us at (713) 888-8888