Rear-End Truck Accidents in Houston


An 18 wheeler, a commercial truck, or any other type of large truck are much bigger, stronger, and heavier than your vehicle. Being rear ended by one of these monstrous vehicle can lead to some serious injury, even death.

That’s where Ramji Law Group, PC comes into play. We don’t play nice when it comes to dealing with rear-end truck accidents in Houston that result in you or your loved ones being hurt. We don’t roll over easy, and we don’t just turn the other cheek. We fight back!

We know what it’s like to have to deal injuries, time off from work, bills, medical bills, insurance companies, and most of all the pain and suffering that comes along with it!

Rear end accidents involving an 18 wheeler need an experienced attorney! Adam Ramji is not only a lawyer but he’s also a doctor(Chiropractor) that knows how to fight back and WIN!

Rear end collisions are the most common type of vehicle crashes with a little over a million occurring every year.

Some causes that result in a rear-end accident involving an 18-wheeler are:

  • Failure to maintain speed
  • Brake failure
  • Speeding
  • Tailgating
  • Under the influence

The insurance companies of these large trucks only have one thing in mind and that’s THEMSELVES. At Ramji Law Group, P.C. each move we make is done with extreme precision with only one thing in mind, and that’s our CLIENTS. Keeping our clients in mind is what helps us win our cases, and helps us ensure our clients that we are going to get them the maximum compensation that they deserve.

Some often-seen reasons that the driver may be at fault for the wreck may be:

  • High stress levels
  • Extended driving periods with appropriate breaks
  • Overloaded trucks/vans
  • Lack of space between other vehicles
  • Mechanical failure or defective truck/van components
  • Loss of concentration
  • Lack of appropriate sleep before an assignment
  • Driving in unknown territory
  • Unrealistic delivery schedules
  • Cell phone use
  • Failure to inspect the truck/van before departure
  • Speeding

After Being Involved in a Rear-End Accident Some of the Most Common Injuries Can Be

Dealing with these types of injuries, the insurance companies, the medical bills, and stress that comes along with it can be an extreme burden on your shoulders, and can weigh you and your family down tremendously. After being involved in an accident with a truck at an intersection you need to call a LAWYER.
100% Free Evaluation

We’re here to help. Schedule a free evaluation with an experienced personal injury lawyer in Houston, TX today by filling out the form below, or call us at (713) 888-8888