Intersection Truck Accidents in Houston


Being involved in an accident with any type of vehicle in general can be a traumatic experience. Being involved in an accident with any type of large truck such as an 18 Wheeler, a delivery truck, a construction truck or any other type of large truck can be traumatic on a much larger scale.

The size and weight difference alone can cause serious, life-threatening injuries. A common place for intersection truck accidents in Houston to occur is at an intersection. In Texas, a rule of thumb at a 4-way intersection at a four-way stop, if two vehicles reach the intersection simultaneously, the vehicle on the left must yield the right-of-way to the vehicle on the right.

Intersections, at times, can quickly and easily become crowded scenes and can be the ticking time bomb of an unexpected accident that’s caused by the negligence of another person.

That’s where Ramji Law Group, P.C. comes into play. Giving our truck crash attorneys a call the moment you are involved in an accident is like calling the big brother to help you fight the bullies (in this situation the insurance companies) Why wouldn’t you want extra backup… the police call SWAT, the ARMY calls the Rangers, the bench tags in their best players, and YOU HAVE US!

No one plans on being injured, but if you find yourself injured due to the negligence of another then wouldn’t you want to have a law firm that has over 125 years of combined experience on your side fighting for not only your check, but your piece of mind, your wellbeing, and for justice to be dealt.

Some often-seen reasons that the driver may be at fault for the wreck may be:

  • High stress levels
  • Extended driving periods with appropriate breaks
  • Overloaded trucks/vans
  • Lack of space between other vehicles
  • Mechanical failure or defective truck/van components
  • Loss of concentration
  • Lack of appropriate sleep before an assignment
  • Driving in unknown territory
  • Unrealistic delivery schedules
  • Cell phone use
  • Failure to inspect the truck/van before departure
  • Speeding

Some of the Most Dangerous Intersections

Types of Intersection Accidents That We Can Help You With

After being involved in a Houston intersection truck accident some of the most common injuries can be:

Dealing with these types of injuries, the insurance companies, the medical bills, and stress that comes along with it can be an extreme burden on your shoulders, and can weigh you and your family down tremendously. After being involved in an accident with a truck at an intersection you need to call a LAWYER.

100% Free Evaluation

We’re here to help. Schedule a freeevaluation with an experienced personal injury lawyer in Houston, TX today by filling out the form below, or call us at (713) 888-8888