
Travis Scott Astroworld Festival


With a Houston staff of 50+ and satellite offices throughout Texas, Ramji Law Group continues to grow and serve the community.

Ramji Law Group, P.C. combined bring years of experience to the table when representing clients in the Houston and the rest of the state of Texas.

Adam Ramji achieved his chiropractic degree in 1999 and soon after his law degree in 2004 from South Texas College of Law. After graduating, he immediately opened his own law firm.

Ramji uses his medical insight to help educate other chiropractors, and hosts seminars across the nation to help chiropractors better understand the world of personal injury. His personal injury seminars cover all aspects of personal injury and is approved by the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners for 16 hours of credit, which does include the required ethics, risk management and record keeping.

Ramji Law Group has over 8 attorneys and has a pre litigation and in house litigation department. Ramji Law Group specializes in 18-wheeler accident, plant and refinery explosions, car accidents, slip and falls, birth injury cases, medical malpractices, child sex abuse cases, catastrophic accidents, wrongful death cases, offshore injuries, railroad injuries, motorcycle injuries, and traumatic brain injuries.

With that being said Ramji Law Group was no stranger when in came to the horrific incident at the Astroworld festival that was hosted by Travis Scott in Houston, TX. The festival resulted in 10 deaths between the ages of 9 and 27. The youngest being a 9yr old and left 100’s injured. Ramji Law Group now represents over 20 clients that were injured at this tragedy of an event that occurred on November 5th. The event was tightly packed with 50,000 in attendance as rapper Travis Scott took the stage encouraging violence, and chaos which resulted in the crowd surge… Travis Scott has previously been charged with crowd mayhem. His history of crowd violence can be traced back to 2017 where he encouraged a fan to jump from a second story balcony. Luckily that fan was not injured, but another fan was then pushed from the same balcony at the same concert, which left this fan paralyzed.

The festival had poor security, and this wasn’t the 1st time either. In 2019 at the same festival resulted in similar crowd surges with gates being breached, fences being barricaded, and concert-goers being injured. Even with this lack of security, no one stopped the festival. The end result was fatalities and injuries!

The event organizers, the performers, and the venues itself are ultimately responsible. They cut corners and did not care about the welfare or the wellbeing of the concert-goers. Ramji Law Group specializes in going after those responsible for this tragic event. Adam Ramji will not stop, and will not leave any stone unturned until he brings justice to those responsible!

When you find yourself in a difficult situation, put your trust in DoctorLaw, Adam Ramji, who has served over 6,500 clients.
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Let DoctorLaw, Adam Ramji, fight for your rights to maximum compensation.
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