
Safety Tips You Should Keep In Mind to Prevent Truck Accidents

Trucking accidents are estimated to cost trucking companies around $57 billion according to a study done in 2017. Most of this amount has been spent covering medical bills and compensating third parties in the accidents, it is, therefore, crucial to have appropriate representation in a court of lawyer. If you are looking for a Houston Truck Accident lawyer, Ramiji Law group is just a call away.

When you are behind the wheel in Houston safety is your top concern. Many accidents can be prevented and apart from hiring a Truck Accident Attorney in Houston, there are simple things you can do to ensure your own safety before and even after accidents.


Avoid distracted driving.

Trucks are powerful machines and when you are behind the wheel it is important to have maximum concentration. All it takes is a split second to cause an accident, therefore, it is advised to avoid distractions such as texting, eating or talking on the phone as you drive. Multitasking and driving do not mix.

Do regular checkups for your truck.

Also known as preventive maintenance, regular checkups are like a visit to the doctor, but for your truck. This means that your truck is checked occasionally to ensure that there are no problems and to deal with existing problems before they become dangerous. It is important to have a preventive maintenance schedule to ensure that your truck is always in tip-top shape.

Make sure your load is properly secured.

When you are ferrying goods, it is important to make sure your load is secure and does not shift when while on transit. When the load shifts as you are driving it can upset the balance of the truck and this can lead to rolling over. You should make sure your load is always secure.

Take note of blind spots.

A clear view is key to preventing road accidents. You must be extra careful when driving a truck since it has more blind spots compared to a passenger vehicle. It is important when driving to avoid changing lanes and check your side mirrors every ten seconds.

Familiarize yourself with your truck’s blind spots as well as others on the road.

Never ignore a sign.

Traffic signs are there to help you understand the road better. The leading cause of most accidents is driver’s negligence. Signs like speed limits should not be ignored, especially by truck drivers.

Due to the heavy nature of the trucks, it is important to stay within your speed limit to stay safer on the road.

Next time you are on the road, keep these safety tips in mind. If you feel we have forgotten an important point or would like to share an experience, feel free to leave a comment below.
