Odessa Truck Accident Lawyer

Truck accidents are similar to car accidents—they are just bigger. Trucks are about 10 times heavier than even the heaviest personal vehicles, which means 10 times the force in an accident. Truckers have greater duties of care toward other drivers than the typical motor vehicle operator. Plus, trucking companies and their insurers have deeper pockets than defendants in auto accident claims.

Bigger is not always better, and fighting a truck accident claim can be intimidating. If you have been involved in a truck accident, you do not have to handle it alone. An Odessa truck accident lawyer from Ramji Law Group can evaluate your claim, explain your rights and potential remedies, and file your personal injury claim.

Recovery From Truck Accidents

Theoretically, victims can recover the same type of damages in car and truck accidents. However, in practice, it is challenging to recover money from individuals, which means insurance limits often dictate the amount of money a person can recover.

Federal law requires truckers to carry much higher liability insurance policies than drivers of personal vehicles. Additionally, third parties are often involved in trucking accidents. Though they may fight hard not to give a person the settlement they deserve, truckers, trucking companies, and their insurers have the resources to pay out claims. An attorney in Odessa is ready to work to secure compensation after a truck crash.

Potential Injuries from a Truck Accident

Truck accidents can result in a wide variety of injuries. While some individuals may walk away with minor bumps and bruises, others may suffer fatal injuries. Due to the sheer size of trucks, injuries from these accidents tend to be far more serious than those in car crashes.

Potential injuries include broken bones, soft tissue injuries, burns, and more. Catastrophic injuries from truck accidents may include traumatic brain injuries, neck or spinal cord injuries, crush injuries, internal organ damage, and more.

Catastrophic injuries may result in physical or mental disabilities, impact a person’s ability to work, and change relationships with family members and loved ones. The founder of Ramji Law Group, P.C., Adam Ramji, is both a chiropractor and a lawyer. Our team of attorneys in Odessa can help victims, insurers, judges, and jurors understand the full impact of catastrophic injuries after an auto accident.

Causes of Truck Accidents

Like other drivers, truckers sometimes drive while under the influence. While alcohol poses a risk, truckers may also use various substances—both legal and illegal—to cope with the demands of their jobs. Due to tight deadlines, some may rely on sleeping pills to rest, stimulants to stay alert, and other drugs throughout the day. These substances can impair their ability to drive safely by reducing attention, impacting coordination, and increasing reaction time.

Drowsy driving is another risk for truckers—especially long-haul truckers. These drivers spend hours on the road. They have mandatory federal rest breaks, but even one night of inadequate sleep can impact them for days afterward. Studies show that drowsy driving can be as dangerous as driving while intoxicated. A truck collision attorney in Odessa will look for evidence of drowsiness to help establish liability.

Distracted driving is also a significant hazard. Trucking can be a repetitive job, causing drivers to seek distractions to pass the time. However, their focus should remain on the road and surrounding traffic. Activities like texting, watching videos, making phone calls, eating, or even daydreaming can pull a trucker’s attention away, increasing the likelihood of an accident.

Sometimes, a third party is responsible for the accident. Truckers do not load their vehicles—third parties loaders do. An imbalanced load can lead to an increased risk of rollovers and other accidents. While owner-operators may be responsible for maintenance on their trucks, many truckers are employees who do not own their vehicles. In those instances, the trucking company, their maintenance team, or others may be liable.

Talk to an Odessa Truck Accident Attorney About Filing a Lawsuit

The aftermath of a truck accident can be incredibly overwhelming for both you and your family. Recovery may take weeks, months, or even years, and the time away from work, along with a diminished ability to earn, can push your family to the edge of financial disaster due to mounting medical expenses. On top of that, emotionally adjusting to a new reality after the accident can be a significant challenge.

The aftermath of a truck accident can feel isolating, but you are not alone. The attorneys at Ramji Law Group, P.C. are here to assist you. Contact us to schedule a consultation with an Odessa truck accident lawyer. Reach out online or by calling 432-529-3476.

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