Hit and Run Accident in Houston


Being involved in a hit and run accident requires you calling a HIT AND RUN ACCIDENT ATTORNEY IN HOUSTON!

Ramji Law Group, PC. is a one of kind law firm that specializes in hit and run accidents involving an 18 wheeler! A hit and run requires anyone that is involved in an accident that results in injury or property damage cannot leave the scene without providing their information or performing certain actions.

Hit and run accidents can have many moving parts and require skill, experience, and precision.

Guess what? Ramji Law Group, P.C. has the skill, the experience, and the precision to get you the maximum compensation that you deserve. So why settle for less?

You know what else we have?

A DOCTORLAW…. What’s that you ask? Well it means that Adam Ramji is not only a Lawyer, but he’s also a Doctor. Houston’s very own DOCTORLAW is proudly serving all of Texas, and helping those who have been hurt in a hit and run accident get back on their feet and on with their lives.

Some common questions you may have after being involved in a hit and run accident might be:

How long do you have to report a hit and run with an 18 wheeler in Texas?

In Texas, the statute of limitations gives you 2-years.

Is Hit and run an arrest able offense?

In most areas, prosecutors can charge the hit and run as a felony or a misdemeanor, depending on the facts of the case. It is likely that if no one was injured in the accident the charge will be a misdemeanor. Both felony and misdemeanor convictions can result in jail sentences and fines.

Should I get a lawyer for a hit and run accident with an 18 wheeler?

Yes. You will want Ramji Law Group, PC. to help with your claim if you have been injured.

Should you call the police after being involved in a hit and run accident with an 18 wheeler?

YES, nothing is better proof especially to the insurance companies than a police report.

How much does it cost to hire Ramji Law Group, PC?

Nothing, YES I SAID NOTHING… We work off of a contingency fee. SO IF WE DON’T WIN YOUR CASE YOU DON’T US ANYTHING!

What is a good time to call Ramji Law Group, PC?

Anytime! We are available 24/7 That means nights, weekends, holidays, early mornings. If you’ve been hurt in a hit and run accident involving an 18 wheeler CALL US NOW! (713) 888 8888  

Some common reasons as to why the driver of the vehicle that hit you and ran could be from some of the list below:

  • Not properly licensed
  • Intoxicated
  • Fear of losing their trucking license
  • Didn’t feel impact on their trailer

Some steps to follow after being involved in hit and run accident with an 18 wheeler, commercial vehicle, or any other large truck are:

  • Write down or if possible take pictures of what the driver looked like.
  • Write down or if possible take pictures of what the vehicle looked like.
  • Try to get the license plate number, even a few letters or numbers can help the police.
  • Try to remember any key characteristics of the vehicle like company logos, names, or pictures on the truck.
  • Get any witness information, like their name, number, and what information they may have on the vehicle that hit you.
  • If you are hurt do not wait to get any medical attention.
  • CALL RAMJI LAW GROUP, PC (713) 888 8888

Some Often Seen Reasons That the Driver May Be at Fault for the Wreck May Be

  • High stress levels
  • Extended driving periods with appropriate breaks
  • Overloaded trucks/vans
  • Lack of space between other vehicles
  • Mechanical failure or defective truck/van components
  • Loss of concentration
  • Lack of appropriate sleep before an assignment
  • Driving in unknown territory
  • Unrealistic delivery schedules
  • Cell phone use
  • Failure to inspect the truck/van before departure
  • Speeding

After being involved in a hit and run accident in Houston, some of the most common injuries can be:

Dealing with these types of injuries, the insurance companies, the medical bills, and stress that comes along with it can be an extreme burden on your shoulders, and can weigh you and your family down tremendously. After being involved in an accident with a truck at an intersection you need to call a lawyer.

100% Free Evaluation

We’re here to help. Schedule a freeevaluation with an experienced personal injury lawyer in Houston, TX today by filling out the form below, or call us at (713) 888-8888