
Filing a Truck Accident Claim: How To

Very few incidents in life can be more traumatic than a truck ramming into your car and living extensive physical injuries and property damage. If you are involved in such an accident, and you suspect that it has resulted from the negligence of the truck driver, then you should seek the assistance of a San Antonio truck accident lawyer to know what your rights are and what you can do. Below are some necessary steps that you should follow as you make a truck accident claim.


The process of making your rightful claim starts immediately after the accident has occurred. You have to call the police immediately to ensure that there is an official government report to rely on when dealing with the relevant insurance company. You should also collect as much information as you can instead of relying on police report alone.

For instance, you should take photographs of the accident scenes and even talk to witnesses and document their statements. You should also ensure that you have accurate details to identify the truck. All this evidence will go a long way in ensuring that you establish liability with the truck driver.

After gathering the evidence, you should let the trucking company know that you are filing the claim. Furthermore, you should get conversant with the relevant insurance claim filing rules to ensure that you do not miss any deadlines.


After you have filed the claim, insurance adjusters are going to contact you. They might call you asking for medical records and even statements from you. When it comes to negotiating with the insurance adjusters, you have to be very careful with what you tell them. Its imperative that you consult with a truck accident lawyer.

In cases where the liability is clearly on the truck, driver, the trucking company may offer a settlement. However, you should reject any offer that does not adequately cover all the losses and damages suffered in the crash.


In pursuing a truck accident claim, there are a number of reasons why the services of a San Antonio truck accident lawyer comes in handy. For instance, filing the claim has a limited time. If you have been critically injured, you may not be in the right position to pursue the claim. In such a case, a San Antonio truck accident lawyer can act on your behalf.

Furthermore, you may not even know what compensation you are entitled to. Therefore, insurance companies can exploit your ignorance to ensure that you get minimum compensation.

Last but not the least, dealing with truck companies is entirely different from dealing with regular car owners. Trucking companies usually have resources to hire the most refined lawyers, and consequently, acting against them on your own can be quite intimidating. In other words, the scale is tilted against you for the word go. Thus, you will also need a qualified personal injury lawyer in San Antonio to fight for your rights.

If you have any questions about filing a claim a truck accident, feel free to engage us in the comment section below.
