
Secrets To Winning A Car Accident Claim

Houston presents a significant challenging metropolitan area for motorists. Major highways, more aggressive drivers, trucks/18 Wheeler, and multiple lanes of traffic increase the risk of car accidents. In a city that experiences so many car accidents, RamjiLaw can provide you with an experienced Houston Car accident lawyer in maximizing your car accident settlement.


The secret to winning a car accident claim is to call your attorney first as opposed to the common wisdom of calling your insurance company. Car insurance companies are business entities and less compensation you receive translate to more profits of their side. Hiring competent car accident attorney in Houston will help you secure full and fair compensation after an accident.

At Ramji Law Group, we have successfully represented numerous vehicle accidents victims and their families across Huston. Our car accident attorney in Houston has also handled cases involving trucks (18-wheeler among other sizes), motorcycles, and SUV accidents.

If have been injured or involved in an accident due to recklessness or negligence of another driver, you have the rights to seek financial relief in the courts. Hiring a qualified Car Accident Attorney in Houston is the only way to ensure that you are adequately compensated and to prevent negligent drivers from continuing to harm road users around Houston.


In estimating the extent of damages caused by car accidents, valuable evidence can disappear very fast, especially in busy highways and major intersections. If you have been involved in an accident or your loved one has been injured, contact an experienced Houston car accident lawyer immediately to ensure that investigation and securing of evidence begins the soonest time possible.

Ramji Law Group has a team of personal injury attorney with years of experience, and very familiar with the Houston Courts. Ramji and other LawDocs will forcefully and boldly seek monetary compensation for clients who have suffered from road accidents or for grieving families whose loved ones have succumbed to auto accidents.

To ensure that your car insurance company does not bail out from giving you s fair settlement, consider doing the following:

  • Keep accurate records: After involving in an accident caused by the other motorist, it is imperative you keep accurate records of the crash. Gather ant potential witness statements and contacts, police reports, and medical treatments. These documents will be helpful to your Antony during the negotiation process.
  • Take Lots of Photographs: Take photos of the scene of accidents from all angles. Make sure to capture all the damages to both the vehicles and where the cars ended up after the crashes. This will be extremely helpful when building up your compensation case.
  • Do not accept the first offer suggested to you from the insurance adjuster; Insurance adjusters are experienced in using numerous tricks to make you agree too much less settlement than you deserve. To deal with one, immediately call car accident attorney in Houston who cannot be bullied to accepting a lower settlement.
  • Follows your doctor’s orders to the letter or else risk losing a large portion of money when negotiating for a settlement. Additionally, keep a detailed record of your injuries

It is essential to be constant communication with your experienced car accident Attorney in Houston to ensure you are awarded the maximum amount of compensation that you deserve. To learn more about our services or for a comment. Go to our contact us or go to our website and leave a comment.
